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Enwork’s Answer to V, O, U Tables

08.20.2024 | News & Announcements

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VOU is a meeting table designed to support today's advanced conference spaces. Beautiful material selections, modern accents, and integral cable passthroughs make this a truly boardroom-worthy design.

Meet VOU

VOU tables rotating gif

V. O. U.

A collection of V, O, and U-shaped tables that rise to the growing demand for large-format meeting spaces. Layered connectivity options satisfy the most demanding AV specifications.

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VOU 150-degree V-shaped table configuration

Optimize Video Conferencing

In today's hybrid workspaces, the right table makes all the difference. 150-degree tables seamlessly connect in-office and remote workers, fostering the collaborative decision-making that drives teams forward.

VOU U-shaped boardroom table

Enable Large-Scale Discussion

Supporting a widthe range from 60" to 300", these tables adapt to may meeting space format—from immersive video presentations and conference calls to roundtable discussions.



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